Music + Movement Program ( 4-months-2.5 years )
Comfortable clothing
Non-slip socks or barefoot for adults and children
Tiny Tappers/ Tippy Toes / Twinkle Starz Combination Classes ( 2.5-5-years )
Light Pink Solid Dance Leotard (skirt optional; DDA logo optional)
Pink tights
Pink leather ballet shoes, white tap shoes
Boys: shorts, white-tshirt, black ballet shoes, black-tie tap shoes.
Pre-Acro / Tumbling / Movement ( 4.5-6 years )
Solid Black shorts unitard OR Black leotard (no skirt) OR Black fitted tank top with black biker shorts/black tight leggings
Hip Hop Kidz – Kiddie Hop ( 3-5 years )
Tank-top or t-shirt, studio apparel or sports bra
Sweatpants, leggings, yoga pants (No jeans)
Girls: clean-bottom, solid white sneakers or white tennis shoes (used only for class).
Boys: solid black sneakers (used only for class)
Hip Hop ( 6 years+ )
Girls: comfortable clothing (t-shirts, tank-tops, sweatpants, shorts)
Solid black hip hop or running sneakers with white soles (only used for dance class).
Hair: off-face in ponytail or half up/half down for shorter hair
Boys: black (track) pants or shorts, any colored t-shirt, solid black sneakers (only used for dance class)
Hip Hop Crew Dancers: inquire about specific shoes for competition
Required recital sneakers will be announced during the school year
Acrobatics “Acro” / Floor Gymnastics ( 6-18 years )
Girls: Solid Black leotard/Solid Black Sports Bra OR Solid black racerback tank top and black leggings to ankle/calf OR Shorts Black Unitard OR black biker shorts with footless tan tights
Hair: off-face/neck in a ponytail or bun
Boys: sweatpants OR athletic shorts and a solid black T-shirt
Barefoot for all acro classes
Solid Black leotard/Sports bra OR solid black racerback tank top
Black pants OR bike shorts with nude tights
Tan split sole jazz shoes
Hair: off-face/neck
Boys: black jazz-pants, track-pants, OR shorts, white t-shirt, black jazz shoes
Jazz/Lyrical Combination
Solid-colored Black Leotard, Racerback tank top OR solid black sports bra
Black pants OR black biker mini shorts with beige footless tights
Foot undies
Hair: off-face
Boys: fitted solid white t-shirt OR tank, black bikers, OR “jazz” pants, barefoot unless otherwise noted by the instructor
Solid Black leotard/Sports bra OR solid black racerback tank top
Black pants or bike shorts with nude tights
Tan Tap shoes, oxford style low heel
Hair off-face/neck
Boys: black jazz pants, track pants/shorts, white t-shirt, black jazz shoes/Oxford style low heel tap
Solid Black Leotard (no skirt for ages 8+)
pink tights
pink leather split-sole ballet shoes (Capezio Hanami Leather recommended).
Hair: NEAT bun off-neck (hair net/bun cover recommended)
Boys: black ballet slippers, fitted white t-shirt or tank, black bikers or jazz pants
Lyrical / Contemporary + Leaps / Jumps / Turns
Solid-colored Black Leotard, Racerback tank top, or solid black sports bra
Black pants OR black bike mini shorts with beige convertible or footless tights
Skin colored Foot undies (will also dance barefoot at times)
Hair: off-face
Boys: fitted solid white t-shirt or tank, black bikers OR jazz pants, barefoot unless otherwise noted
Stretching / Conditioning / Technique
Solid-colored black leotard, black racerback tank top, OR solid black sports bra
Black pants OR black bike mini shorts with beige convertible OR footless tights
Foot undies
Hair: off-face
Boys: fitted solid white t-shirt or tank, black bikers, or “jazz” pants, barefoot unless otherwise noted
Company Rehearsal
Solid Black leotard/Sports bra, OR solid black racerback tank top
Black pants or bike shorts & shoe TBA.
Hair: off-face/neck in ponytail
Boys: black jazz-pants, track-pants, or shorts, white t-shirt, black jazz shoes
Adult Classes
Comfortable clothing
No jewelry